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Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

TIKI TAKA : Amazing Football Tactic

            We all know the great football team from spain that have won many tournaments and competitions for last four years. Yeah, it's Barcelona Club de Futbol. By their motto, “Mes que un club”, that means more than just a football club, they join many big tournaments and be the world champion. Barcelona's players show their best ability in football by good teamwork and amazing movements to entertain the football lovers in everymatch they played.
            We also know Spain that have won FIFA World Cup 2010, they also won in EURO 2008 and 2012. They can do that because almost of their players are from Barcelona CF.  And now, Spain is the first in FIFA World Ranking.
            From Spain, we look at England. There is a big and competitive league called Premier League. Swansea City is one of the football club that join this league firstly after finished first in Championship, and ranked up to Premier League. As the usual, the new participant in this league will be finished at the low rank, even they often rank down again to Championship. But, Unexpectedly Swansea City can finished at 10th rank in the end of Premier League. Better or maybe best achievement of the new participant ever in Premier League.
            The question is, Why Barcelona, Spain, and Swansea can do that fantastic achievements? If you watch their games, you will know that all their achievements are attained because of their best tactic. Yeah, it's Tiki Taka, the amazing football tactic.
            Tiki Taka firstly is called Total Football, but in 2006, after Andres Montes, a Spain football commentator  said about the Spain's game in FIFA World Cup 2006 against Tunisia, “Estamos Tocando Tiki Taka Tiki Taka...”, that means “ We play tiki taka tiki taka...”, it's called Tiki Taka. But there is  also some statements argue that this tactic is called Tiki Taka because when its used in a game, the players's move is like clackers sound, Tik...Tak...Tik...Tak, So that, it's called Tiki Taka.
            This tactic is firstly appeared in 1971. Rinus Michels, the founder builds it in Barcelona CF when he became coach there. In 1988, Johan Cryuff as the Rinus's apprentice improves this tactic better, He brings many footballers that have the good abilities in Tiki Taka and makes Barcelona CF as the great team in that time.
            After that era, Tiki Taka had disappeared in the world until Josep Guardiola as the Cruyff's apprentice develops it by educating the youngsters in Barcelona's Football School, La Masia. In 2008, He brings all his apprentices to the Top Level in Barcelona CF. With his apprentices, he win many competitions and tournaments and make Barcelona CF become the best football team ever.
            Now, how Tiki Taka is used in a football game?
            Tiki Taka is a tactic that is demanded all players to move quickly and pass shortly in a game. So, the important thing to remember when Tiki Taka will be used is, the coach have to choose the most fresh players in starting eleven, because those players have more stamina, they can run and run, move and move to dominate the ball possession and make the ball flows around their legs. This is the essential of Tiki Taka, dominating ball possession.
           Tiki Taka divides the football field into eight zones to simplify the players doing their tasks in a game. The first Zone is The Goalkeeper. In this zone, the goalkeeper and the center backs have to attend more control the ball moving carefully, because this is the most dangerous zone. If they do wrong, they will make their team injured.
            The second zone is The Libero. The libero must capable to dominate the ball possession, calm but clear and sure, and has to give the ball to their friends well, because all team attacks will start from this zone.
            The third zone is The Volante de Salida, and the players here are called Defensive Midfielder, the players have to intersect and steal the ball from the opposite players quickly and give to their friends directly. This zone need more power from the players to stop the attack from the opposite team.
            The fourth zone is The Wing Back. In this zone, the players must have good stamina, balance, and speed. The players have to overlap when the team is attacking, and they also have to defend when the team is attacked. The special ability that all players here must have is the ability to pass crossing from each football sides to give the striker ball and chance to make a great goal.
            The fifth zone is The Deep Lying Midfielder. The players in this zone are like a brain of this tactic. If they play badly, Tiki Taka will not be shown as good as usual, but if they can play well, the chance to win a game is very big. Why? Because the players in this zone must capable to divide the ball among their friends, they also have to make and give the chance for their friends to make a goal. So, the players here are considered as the game determinants.
            The sixth zone is The Inside forward. In this zone, a team must have at least one good player that has capability to dribble and trick the opposite backs to serve the chances for goal getter to make a shoot, or make a goal himself.
            The seventh zone is The Target Man. The players here usually are called also as The Goal Getter. Why? Because, the Target Man players are the ones who have more chances and will make the goals for their team. They must have the good first touch ability in order they can make a great goal only in a few seconds, because if they can't do that, The opposite backs will take and steal the ball.
            The eight zone is The Assist and Goal Zone. All players may run to this zone and have the same chance to make a goal. Something distinguished here is only the ability's players to feel calm, smart, and agile to move and bring the ball. If the player can do that. He will make a great or maybe an amzing goal from this zone. But, one thing that all players have to remember in this zone is Don't forget to run back to your zone when the opposite team do quick counter-attack, because you have to  responsible for your position.
            In summary, Tiki Taka is the tactic that need the good teamwork, All players must have the good intuition each others, good ability to pass, move, and create the goal chances. All this capabilities are built for a long period, not instantly. So that, only by good and patient football training and education, This tactic will improve itself and can be used well. That all are what Barcelona, Swansea, and Spain players do to make their team become the great team in the world.

Sabtu, 10 November 2012


 A.   Asal Usul
Perbandingan otak normal dan alzheimer
            Penyakit alzheimer ditemukan pertama kali pada tahun 1907 oleh seorang ahli Psikiatri dan neuropatologi yang bernama Alois Alzheimer. Ia mengobservasi seorang wanita berumur 51 tahun, yang mengalami gangguan intelektual dan memori serta tidak mengetahui kembali tempat tinggalnya, sedangkan wanita itu tidak mengalami gangguan anggota gerak, koordinasi dan refleks. Pada autopsi awal, tampak bagian otak wanita tersebut mengalami atropi yang difus dan simetri, dan secara mikroskopik tampak bagian korteks otak mengalami neuritis plaque dan degenerasi neurofibrillary.
Pada dasarnya, Alzheimer bukan penyakit menular, melainkan adalah sejenis penyakit neurodegeneratif karena apoptosis (kematian) sel-sel otak pada saat yang hampir bersamaan, sehingga otak tampak mengerut dan mengecil.
Secara epidemiologi, penyakit alzheimer terbagi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok yang menderita pada usia kurang 58 tahun disebut sebagai early onset sedangkan kelompok yang menderita pada usia lebih dari 58 tahun disebut sebagai late onset.
Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, wanita tiga kali lebih banyak dibandingkan laki-laki. Hal ini disebabkan usia harapan hidup wanita lebih lama dibandingkan laki-laki.
Sedangkan menurut beberapa ahli, risiko untuk mengidap Alzheimer meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan usia. Bermula pada usia 65 tahun, seseorang mempunyai risiko 5% mengidap penyakit ini dan akan meningkat dua kali lipat setiap lima tahun..
B.    Penyebab
·       Faktor genetik
Beberapa peneliti mengungkapkan 50% kasus alzheimer ini diturunkan melalui gen autosomal dominant.
Gen tersebut adalah clusterin, complement receptor 1 (CR1), dan PICALM, yang diduga merupakan tipe gen yang paling banyak ditemukan pada 90 persen kasus Alzheimer.
Gen lain yang juga berkaitan dengan penyakit yang menyebabkan kepikunan di usia lanjut ini adalah apolipoprotein E (ApoE) yang diidentifikasi pada tahun 1993 sejak para ahli mengetahui bahwa kemunduran fungsi otak terkait dengan faktor genetik..
·         Faktor infeksi
Ada hipotesa menunjukkan penyebab infeksi virus pada keluarga penderita alzheimer yang dilakukan secara immuno blot analisis, ternyata diketemukan adanya antibodi reaktif. Infeksi virus tersebut menyebabkan infeksi pada susunan saraf pusat yang bersifat lambat, kronik dan remisi.
·         Faktor lingkungan
Faktor lingkungan juga dapat berperan dalam munculnya penyakit alzheimer. Faktor lingkungan antara lain, aluminium, silicon, mercury, zinc. Aluminium merupakan neurotoksik potensial pada susunan saraf pusat. Pada penderita alzheimer, juga ditemukan keadaan ketidakseimbangan merkuri, nitrogen, fosfor, sodium.
Ada dugaan bahwa asam amino glutamat akan menyebabkan depolarisasi melalui reseptor N-methy D-aspartat sehingga kalsium akan masuk ke intraseluler (Cairan-influks) dan menyebabkan kerusakan metabolisma energi seluler dengan akibat kerusakan dan kematian neuron.
·         Faktor trauma
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan penyakit alzheimer dengan trauma kepala. Hal ini dihubungkan dengan petinju yang menderita demensia pugilistik.

C.  Diagnosis
Gejala-gejala Alzheimer sendiri meliputi gejala yang ringan sampai berat. Di antara tanda-tanda munculnya penyakit Alzheimer adalah :
  • Gangguan memori yang memengaruhi keterampilan pekerjaan.
  • Kesulitan melakukan tugas yang biasa dilakukan.
  • Kesulitan bicara dan berbahasa.
  • Disorientasi waktu, tempat dan orang.
  • Kesulitan mengambil keputusan yang tepat.
  • Perubahan perasaan, kepribadian dan perilaku.
  • Hilangnya minat dan inisiatif.
D.   Penanganan
Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli, mereka merekomendasikan beberapa obat di bawah ini untuk menangani sementara penyakit Alzheimer, kebanyakan merupakan penghambat kolinesterase yaitu :
  • Galantamine HBr
Galantamine diberikan dengan dosis rendah pada awalnya yaitu 4 mg dua kali sehari untuk beberapa minggu dan dilanjutkan dengan 8 mg dua kali sehari untuk beberapa minggu pengobatan selanjutnya. Meskipun demikian, beberapa pasien membutuhkan dosis yang lebih besar.
Efek samping yang sering terjadi dari Galantamine adalah mual, muntah, diare, anoreksia, kehilangan berat badan. Efek samping ini umumnya terjadi pada awal pengobatan atau ketika dosis ditingkatkan, umumnya ringan dan bersifat sementara.
  • Donepezil
Donepezil adalah obat yang diminum secara oral untuk mengobati penyakit Alzheimer taraf rendah hingga medium. Donepezil tersedia dalam bentuk tablet oral. Biasanya diminum satu kali sehari sebelum tidur, sebelum atau sesudah makan. Biasanya diberikan dosis rendah pada awalnya lalu ditingkatkan setelah 4 hingga 6 minggu.
Efek samping yang sering terjadi sewaktu minum Donepezil adalah sakit kepala, nyeri seluruh badan, lesu, mengantuk, mual, muntah, diare, nafsu makan hilang, berat badan turun, kram, nyeri sendi, insomnia, dan meningkatkan frekuensi buang air kecil.
  • Memantine
Memantin adalah obat yang diminum secara oral untuk mengobati penyakit Alzhaimer taraf sedang hingga berat, dengan mekanisme kerja yang berbeda dan unik dengan memperbaiki proses sinyal Glutamat. Obat ini diawali dengan dosis rendah 5 mg setiap minggu dilakukan selama 3 minggu untuk mencapai dosis optimal 20 mg/hari.
E.    Pencegahan
Beberapa aktivitas yang disebut-sebut bermanfaat bagi otak untuk mencegah terkena penyakit Alzheimer antara lain :

·         Mengonsumsi minyak ikan.
·         Berolahraga rutin.
·         Mengisi teka teki silang.
·         Membaca buku.
Beberapa ahli menyatakan, suplemen, obat atau interaksi sosial belum terbukti dapat mencegah penyakit degenerasi otak tersebut. Mereka mengamati dan melakukan puluhan riset yang menunjukkan cara-cara untuk mencegah Alzheimer, Tetapi belum menemukan satu pun bukti yang cukup kuat akan dampaknya bagi pencegahan.